
God's glory in a summer sunset.


Hello There!

This year I'm on a mission to squeeze everything out of life that I can because, let's face it, we only get one earthly life and I want to live mine to the fullest. This past November (election night, actually), my grandfather passed away. He meant the world to me, always will, and his passing made me realize what a life he truly lived. Grandpa always had amazing stories to tell, as does my grandmother still, and I realized I want to live a life worthy of stories to tell my grandchildren. My grandparents have been through so much; the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, losing spouses, children, parents, collectively raising 20 kids (between my two sets of grandparents), immigration...the list goes on and on, yet not once have I ever heard any of them complain about the hardships they've faced. All of them have come through those tough times stronger than they were before and full of experience and memories. With the love and support of my faith, family, and friends, I'm determined to start living a life worthy of stories to tell my children, grandchildren, and (hopefully) great-grandchildren!
I think writing this blog will really help me keep track of where I go over the next year. Looking back over old pictures, or even though my iTunes library, I can see different phases of my life, but I think it will be a neat experiment to keep a written record here. I've never been good at writing in diaries or journals, so this will be a challenge. Once school picks up, I'm sure it will be easy to let this fall by the wayside, but I'm really hoping that doesn't happen. This year is going to be a big one for me...I'm almost done with college and have to start making some big decisions regarding my future. I'm curious to see how much (or how little) I grow over this next year. Hopefully I come out on the other side proud of who I am and what I've accomplished in the next 365 days!