I think it's important to make a list of things you hope to accomplish in life.
Here are just a few of mine (I have a larger list, but it is packed away at this moment since I am moving very soon):
1. Ride in a hot air balloon
2. See a moose
3. Skydive--this may very soon happen...my cousin has recently asked me to do it with her in the near future!
4. Travel Europe
5. Learn sign language--this is going to happen in about a month...I signed up for a class!!
And here are a few things that I can't believe I had the chance to do, but I did and can now check them off my list (yay!):
1. Watch a volcano erupt
2. Go whitewater rafting--I sat in the front of the raft!!!
3. Sing karaoke--this may not sound like much, but I can't carry a tune and get immensely shy in front of an audience (I don't even sing in front of my family)
4. Go parasailing
5. Live with a family in a foreign country--I studied abroad and the chance to experience this...it was interesting at times, but completely worth it!
6. Swim at the base of a waterfall
7. Adopt a pet from the animal shelter--this August marks the one-year anniversary of my second dog's adoption and we plan to celebrate with a special dinner of dog food in a can (for the pups of course), a rare treat :)
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
6 days ago