
October is almost over!

I can't believe it's almost the end of October and I haven't written since the beginning of September! School has swept me away in a cloud of homework, exams, and just plain busy work. Right now I'm in the process of preparing for another round of midterm exams and Halloween :)
Actually, I suppose right now I'm procrastinating and have been for the last several hours. Sometimes you just get burnt out, you know?

I have officially decided on a major and am just waiting to hear back about whether or not I was accepted into my program! Also, after this semester I will officially be completed with my minor. All of this is very exciting, considering I've been swimming in a pool of indecision since I was a freshman. It's nice knowing I finally have some direction as to my career. I realize nothing is set in stone and I may end up doing something entirely different than my major may suggest, but once I find out if I was accepted or not, a definite weight will be lifted off of my shoulders!

Just as I stated in an earlier post, Autumn is the shortest lived of all the seasons and every year I am disappointed by how quickly it comes and goes. We had our first snow fall in the beginning of October and just this past Friday we had nothing short of a small blizzard! I truly hate winter driving and Friday I saw far too many cars in the ditches. Be safe on the roads this year everyone! And have a Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog! Glad to see you are moving in the right direction with your major. I'm assuming it hasn't changed since last Christmas?

    At least one of the cars in the ditch wasn't you. Haven't seen any white stuff yet myself.

    Best of luck kiddo with exams. Keep me posted on your blog.
    -The Godfather.
